Protect your finances from cybercrime

Written by Vidya Kumar

November 14, 2021

People were being lured to a webpage with the promise of getting three times return on their  investment in binary trading. They had to scan a QR code and send money to an account. Once the money was sent, the owner of the webpage disappeared into thin air. The Delhi police recently busted this cyber racket.

Two youths used a unique modus operandi – they made changes to delivery addresses by  becoming members of various social media groups and getting usernames and passwords of OTT content providers and e-commerce portals. They then diverted all online deliveries to their address and collected the deliveries.

These are just a couple of instances of the growing threat of cybercrime. In the ever-connected world, each of us is a potential victim of cyberattacks.

As per Statista, Indians were spending more than 6 hours online towards the end of 2020. Corporate executives spend more time than that as they are online for work. To top it, we have other connected devices – wearables, lifestyle gadgets, etc. Unfortunately, the virtual world is not so safe and our finances can be vulnerable to cybercrime. While devices and software become more secure, cybercriminals become more ingenious. Therefore, we have to take measures to protect against cybercrime proactively. Here is a checklist of do’s and don’ts that can help you be more secure with your devices, finances and personal data.


  • Install the latest updates and patches as they could be fixing vulnerabilities of older versions.
  • Secure not just your laptops and computers but also your lifestyle gadgets, smartphones and wi-fi routers 
  • Guard your documents diligently. Cybercriminals can use Aadhaar, PAN card and mobile number details in many ways. They can steal your identity and  open bank accounts to transfer illegal money, get credit cards, avail of  loans in your name and even carry out SIM-swap fraud.
  • Add two-factor authentication to your accounts. This provides another layer of security by requiring two steps to gain access to your account.
  • Avoid putting your mobile number, date of birth and other details online. The only way to protect yourself against cyberattacks is to be suspicious of every unknown incoming message, email or call.
  • Install the latest antivirus software. Some of the good ones are Bitdefender, Norton Mobile Security, Avast Mobile Security.
  • Review and revisit privacy settings across websites and apps where you have accounts.
  • Download apps and updates from legitimate marketplaces and check user reviews and permissions requested of the software.


  • Do not use the same username and password for all OTT providers and e-commerce websites.
  • Do not use simple words, your date of birth and mobile number as your password.
  • Don’t share passwords, OTPs, PIN numbers of financial accounts with anyone, including people acting like financial organizations’ representatives. 
  • Don’t click on unknown links. 
  • Do not install unauthorized programs on your computers. You can be held to ransom by cybercriminals stealing your data, locking your device, etc.
  • Do not share personal information online unnecessarily.
  • Do not sign up for accounts for kids falsifying age.

Cybersecurity is our responsibility. By following some of these safety practices, we can avoid many of the nasty surprises that lurk online.




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